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This solution participated in a Driver+ Trial


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The BIMS_WN model is a muti-agent model whose goal is to predict the occurrence of a WN epidemic using climate and bird migration and movement data.

West Nile Virus (WNV) is a mosquito-borne Flavivirus. It is maintained in the wild through an enzootic cycle involving transmission between birds and mosquitoes (mosquitoes/birds/mosquitoes). Humans and horses are accidental terminal hosts considered a dead end for its replication.

Supported Use Cases

Predict West Nile Virus transmission

The BIMS_WN Agent-Based Model simulates the transmission of West Nile virus by using agents to represent: environment, mosquitoes, avian hosts, and humans.

The activities and interactions of these various individual agents are simulated within a specified geographic area. A raster map is used to represent the collection of regions agent, which are linked to agent-specific and environmental data, weather conditions, vegetation cover, and other parameters. Habitat values represent the suitability of specific locations (region agents) for foraging, nesting, and migration by birds. The simulation also incorporates data like temperature and humidity for the region. These meteorological parameters influence habitat quality for the mosquito and bird.

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