Jackson Zee


Jackson has worked for many humanitarian, sustainable development, conservation and animal welfare organizations, and has over 20 years of experience in non-profit management, providing support and expertise to hands-on work with communities and their animals. He is a trained paramedic and wildland fire fighter with experience with law enforcement in search and rescue. He responded to disaster relief efforts in across the world including Iraq, Indonesia, Philippines, China, Japan, Thailand, India, Italy, Greece, Bulgaria, Romania, the Caribbean, Australia, and the USA since 1992. He is a trained veterinarian and has a doctorate in behavioral ecology.

Jackson is currently the Director of the Disaster Relief Unit, which assists communities with animals affected by disasters. He is currently affiliated with universities in the USA and China. He also has provided support to UNISDR/EFDRR on animals in disasters, DG-SANTE on Veterinary Preparedness to non-epidemic disaster and the OIE animals in disasters working group for the Balkans.

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