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This solution participated in a Driver+ Trial


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eCEBS enables community level lookouts to report unusual health events in human/animal populations. Built on DHIS2 Tracker module it relies on coded SMS to report and confirm events.

A platform for rapid community responseCommunity participation is critical to detecting unusual health events before they develop into public health crises. Through MSH’s electronic Community Event-Based Surveillance (eCEBS) system, communities are engaged in identifying and stopping outbreaks at their source, which can lessen the impact on the community and decrease negative health outcomes.


Supported Use Cases

Identify and stop outbreaks at their source

Community participation is critical to detecting unusual health events before they develop into public health crises. Through MSH’s electronic Community EventBased Surveillance (eCEBS) system, communities are engaged in identifying and stopping outbreaks at their source, which can lessen the impact on the community and decrease negative health outcomes. eCEBS can be adapted to operate within existing national information systems, putting community-level data at the fingertips of national authorities and shortening response time in the event of an outbreak. During a public health event, this infrastructure can be an essential component in the coordination of a public health response.

Related CM functions

Engaging the community in reporting



eu El sitio web Portfolio of Solutions se desarrolló inicialmente en el marco del proyecto DRIVER+. En la actualidad, el servicio está gestionado por el AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH, en beneficio de la gestión europea de . El PoS está avalado y apoyado por la Disaster Competence Network Austria (DCNA), así como por los proyectos STAMINA y TeamAware H2020.