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*This solution description wasn't provided by it's owner.
This solution participated in a Driver+ Trial


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Readily deployable virtual workspace where critical data can be used for immediate, lifesaving decisions in the COVID-19 response.

Harmony is a readily deployable virtual workspace where critical data can be used for immediate, lifesaving decisions in the COVID-19 response. Harmony is available under an open source licence.

Zenysis Case Management: This tool, shown on the right, helps teams track and triage new cases of a disease during outbreaks and track patients’ journey through the cascade of care. This is a premium product that will be made available at no additional cost during the COVID-19 outbreak.

Supported Use Cases



eu El sitio web Portfolio of Solutions se desarrolló inicialmente en el marco del proyecto DRIVER+. En la actualidad, el servicio está gestionado por el AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH, en beneficio de la gestión europea de . El PoS está avalado y apoyado por la Disaster Competence Network Austria (DCNA), así como por los proyectos STAMINA y TeamAware H2020.