Publication Findings
REACT: A paraprofessional training program for first responders-A pilot study.

Variables of general self-efficacy, resilience, and attitudes and expectations were not reportableLack of statistical power limited the opportunity to report the impact of REACT training on the mentioned variables.

Reconstruction and Exploration of Large-scale Distributed Operations – Multimedia tools for Evaluation of Emergency Management Response

Work to incorporate metadata with raw F-REX data has recently startedThe metadata component is a first step toward developing and integrating a solid analysis tool with F-REXWork has also been initiated to make the R&E methodology as such further formalized with regard to the preparatory study design, the data collection, and the analysis phases.Because the original version of F-REX is somewhat complex and requires training of its operators, work is presently done to provide a lighter version stored on a DVD and showing examples.

Relationships Between Mental Health Distress and Work-Related Factors Among Prefectural Public Servants Two Months After the Great East Japan Earthquake.

Clear comparision of survey variables.Facilitating workplace communication appeared important for both groups of workers. (severely damaged and less damaged workers)

Research on Efficiency of Collaborative Allocation System of Emergency Material Based on Synergetic Theory

“It’s quite difficult to describe the development of most parameters quantitatively. We can not establish a precise mathematical model, and can only get the qualitative knowledge of the changes of the system.” Pp. 243

Resource-Poor Settings: Response, Recovery, and Research: Care of the Critically Ill and Injured During Pandemics and Disasters: CHEST Consensus Statement.

Future improvements in all phases require active research activities.

Scenario-based design: A method for connecting information system design with public health operations and emergency management

Resource management systems exist for clinical settings, an open-source or commercial system that meets public health needs for integrating and visualizing employee data from different sources to assist with decision-making was n.a..( An existing open-source public health GIS tool to support the scenarios of use was modified: Prototype developed: Continuity of Operations Data Analysis (CODA)Validated through formative evaluation using a think-aloud protocolCODA provides resource management and location information about staff at public health centers.

Short simulation exercises to improve emergency department nurses' self-efficacy for initial disaster management: Controlled before and after study.

Short computer based simulation exercises provide opportunities for head nurses to improve management skills and increase their general self-efficacyIt is important not to overestimate the association between reported self-efficacy and abilities.There are two ways to interpret the results: i) that the trainees have improved general skill of managing surge which will translate to more efficient handling during a real MI, or ii) that the trainees have improved specifically in their skill at running the simulator only and will be no better at handling a real MI.It is not possible from this study alone to conclude anything about the simulation validity.Further studies are needed specifically aimed at addressing the question of simulation validity

Simulating individual, group, and crowd behaviors in building egress.

To realistically predict the building egress performance, designers and managers of the building need to consider not only the building geometry but also the building occupants.Simulating emergency evacuations is a complicated and challenging task.

Simulation for team training and assessment: case studies of online training with virtual worlds

The authors recognize that these studies concern team training in emergency medicine and are not for surgical teams; however, they assert that the virtual world concepts and methods are applicable to both.The key technology issue is identifying and using a software platform onto which an application can easily be built.

Simulation for ward processes of surgical care

Involvement of a diverse range of potential end users, the involvement of representatives of all target groups should be sought in the in the development of a simulated ward. Simulations should include the of multicentre working and research groups to guide the development and use of simulated wards as well as a centralized database of validated scenarios and assessment tools.



eu Le site web Portfolio of Solutions a été initialement développé dans le cadre du projet DRIVER+. Aujourd'hui, le service est géré par AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH, au profit de l'European Crisis Management. Le PoS est approuvé et soutenu par le Disaster Competence Network Austria (DCNA) ainsi que par les projets STAMINA et TeamAware H2020.