Publication Findings
Context-based automatic reconstruction and texturing of 3D urban terrain for quick-response tasks.

The purpose is to demonstrate that an existing model can be updated, enriched by new information, and exported into simulation software.

Context-Specific, Scenario-Based Risk Scales.

Rank different scenarios of coal mine emergencies by survey participants.The survey asked respondents how they would respond to a given mine emergency scenario, to rank order the scenarios, and then to provide demographic information about themselves.

Conventional Medical Education and the History of Simulation in Radiology

The paper provides a review, but distinguishes possible simulations to be performed:Medical simulators can be organized:- Part-task trainers- Computer-enhanced mannequins (CEM)- Virtual reality simulators- PACS SimulatorsDescribing simulation training for procedural skills, interpretive and noninterpretive skills, team-based training and crisis management, professionalism and communication skills, as well as hybrid and in situ applications of simulation training.

Crisis Management Dilemmas: Differences in Attitudes towards Reactive Crisis Communication Strategies among Future Business Professionals in Croatia

Survey questionnaire: seven questions, each of which represented one group of reactive strategies, presented through the simulation of a crisis situation.

Cross-domain integrating and reasoning spaces for offsite nuclear emergency response.

To solve the problems of heterogeneity and disorder in the cross-domain integration processes for offsite nuclear emergency response, the integrated decision-making framework of the CDIRS spaces based on Space Mapping and Semantic Web is proposed.Under this framework, the method of feature mapping and space modeling, interoperable mediating and interoperability verifying, ordered integrating and reasoning, which are key steps of the CDIRS method, are presented

Culpable leaders, trust, emotional exhaustion, and identification during a crisis.

survey method to collect data from 354 individuals from an organization that filed for bankruptcy.

D-DEMATEL: A new method to identify critical success factors in emergency management

To combine D number theory and decision making and evaluation laboratory (DEMATEL) to identify the critical success factors (CSFs) in emergency managementTo enhance the efficiency of emergency management optimization.


The model is validated through a three-step approach including a request for comment (RFC) process, case application, and prototype system test.

Decentralized Coordination in RoboCup Rescue.

we provide a novel decentralized solution to the coalition formation process that pervades disaster management.we model the emergency management scenario defined in the RoboCup Rescue disaster simulation platform as a coalition formation with spatial and temporal constraints (CFST) problem where agents form coalitions to complete tasks, each with different demands.we formulate it as a distributed constraint optimization problem and show how to solve it using the state-of-the-art Max-Sum algorithm that provides a completely decentralized message-passing solution.We then provide a novel algorithm (F-Max-Sum) that avoids sending redundant messages and efficiently adapts to changes in the environment.In empirical evaluations, our algorithm is shown to generate better solutions than other decentralized algorithms used for this problem.

Decision support system for emergency management: Road tunnels

Simulation The system has been tested in various hypothetical emergency casesThe DSS was applied to different emergency situations in Lantueno Tunnel. Three incident locations were considered (three scenarios). Different emergency situations and numbers of vehicles directly involved were considered for each of the three scenarios (different cases).

eu Portfolio of Solutions web site has been initially developed in the scope of DRIVER+ project. Today, the service is managed by AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH., for the benefit of the European Crisis Management. PoS is endorsed and supported by the Disaster Competence Network Austria (DCNA) as well as by the STAMINA and TeamAware H2020 projects.