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Toetage CDM (kriisi- ja katastroofiohje) lahenduste sidumist võimekuse vajadustega (DRIVER+)

  1. Aidake kaasa    praktikute võimekuse vajaduste ja lünkade väljendamisele.
  2. Aidake kaasa  lahenduste omanike teadlikkusele nendest vajadustest, et neil oleks võimalik töötada välja ja reklaamida vajadustele vastavaid uuenduslikke lahendusi.
  3. Aidake kaasa (kriisi- ja katastroofiohje) vajadustele ja lünkadele vastavate uuenduslike lahenduste leidmisel.

Secure cross-agency documentation, sharing and tracking (STAMINA)

Efficient and secure sharing of the data necessary for decision making has proven to be challenging in the recent COVID-19 crisis.


Metsatulekahjud: kliimamuutus (DRMKC)

Arusaamine tulevaste kliimamuutuste mõju kohta metsatulekahjudele ja nendega seotud kasvuhoonegaaside heitmetele Euroopas ja ülemaailmselt on oluline, et määratleda kohandamiseks vajalikud meetmed ja metsade leevendusmeetmete potentsiaal.


Training and assessing the level of preparedness (STAMINA)

Training the individuals and organisations and testing their preparedness level increases the resilience and exposes the shortcomings that need to be handled.


Contact tracing and backtracing (STAMINA)

Contact tracing (also known as partner notification) is a primary means of controlling infectious diseases such as tuberculosis (TB), human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), and sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). Contact tracing has also played an important role in controlling the COVID-19 spread. Backtracing is similar to contact tracing, but concentrates on tracing back the movements of infected persons. Similar functionality may be required in other types of crisis, e.g. 

Achievement of the participants' goals during the exercise (INEGMA-E²)

As an evaluator one has to have a good understanding of what the participants want to achieve to be able to know, whether the scenarios of the exercise supported these learning opportunities or not.

Evaluation of achievement of strategic goals (INEGMA-E²)

In strategic exercises the achievement of (pre-set) goals has to be validated. These are usually related to decision-making processes. Due to a variety of criteria and nuances in conditions for achievement this can pose a challenge to evaluators.

Registering the descriptive information (metadata) illustrating the circumstances of the observed exercise events (e.g. time, place, etc.), for future evaluation (INEGMA-E²)

To collect as much as possible information (metadata) describing the circumstances of the observation. This approach is in accordance with commonly used the evidence-based methodology, helping to draw more credible conclusions. The excessive registered information may be omitted during analysis, but unregistered information cannot be easily retrieved.


The evaluating staff must have full / unrestricted access to all the media through which the target audience communicates.

Assistance in border crossing for international participants (AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH.)

When organizing an exercise with the participation of people from different countries and areas it has to be taken into account that border crossing is inevitable in order to enable the conduction of the exercise.


In order to properly calibrate the evaluation process with the specific objectives and goals of the exercise.

Anticipation of actions and decisions of participants (AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH.)

The organization of an exercise also involves planning of the decisions and actions exercise participants might take when being confronted with new scenario injects.

eu Portfolio of Solutions web site has been initially developed in the scope of DRIVER+ project. Today, the service is managed by AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH., for the benefit of the European Crisis Management. PoS is endorsed and supported by the Disaster Competence Network Austria (DCNA) as well as by the STAMINA and TeamAware H2020 projects.