Publication Findings
Proposing 'the burns suite' as a novel simulation tool for advancing the delivery of burns education.

We explored this concept in a burns scenario in a novel, low-cost, high-fidelity, portable, immersive simulation environment (referred to as distributed simulation). This contextualized simulation/distributed simulation combination was named “The Burns Suite” (TBS)A pediatric burn resuscitation scenario was selected after high trainee demand.

Public Health System Research in Public Health Emergency Preparedness in the United States (2009—2015): Actionable Knowledge Base.

Systematic literature review which analyzes knowledge production in public health emergency preparedness system research in the timeframe 2009-2015.

Rallying the Troops: A Four-Step Guide to Preparing a Residency Program for Short-Term Weather Emergencies.

No .The authors outline a four-step process in preparing a residency program for an anticipated short-term weather emergency.

REACT: A paraprofessional training program for first responders-A pilot study.

Program design took place in 4 phases:Needs assessmentReview of previous programsEstablish an evidence-based theoretical frameworkDevelop a training format and contentREACT training was carried out with local first responders

Reconstruction and Exploration of Large-scale Distributed Operations – Multimedia tools for Evaluation of Emergency Management Response

Performed as a case study at a wide large-scale military command and as acontrol exercise (  Swedish Defense area involving participatory observationand complementary group interviews.

Relationships Between Mental Health Distress and Work-Related Factors Among Prefectural Public Servants Two Months After the Great East Japan Earthquake.

We investigated the effects of work-related factorson the mental health of prefectural public servants working inthe area devastated by the Great East Japan Earthquake toidentify some ideas for organizational work modifications toprotect their mental health.

Research on Efficiency of Collaborative Allocation System of Emergency Material Based on Synergetic Theory

analyze the relevant factors influencing the efficiency of collaborative allocation of emergency material and improve the key factors

Resolving crises through automated bilateral negotiations

SimulationSuch agents may be used, for example, inelectronic commerce and for training negotiators [15,18,32]. We focus on bilateral negotiations in simulated crises characterized by time constraints, deadlines, full information, and the possibility of opting out. Pg 1Hypothesis:Our hypothesis was that the agent would do at least as well as the human players in the negotiations. Pg 13

Resource-Poor Settings: Response, Recovery, and Research: Care of the Critically Ill and Injured During Pandemics and Disasters: CHEST Consensus Statement.

The Resource-Poor Settings panel developed five key question domains; defining the term resource poor and using the traditional phases of the disaster cycle

Scenario-based design: A method for connecting information system design with public health operations and emergency management

Investigate the information needs, communications and work processes of managers of multiple facilities that require support during routine and emergency operations at a large local health jurisdiction.The interview guide covered the following six areas: Professional public health background of each participantNormal duties, decisions and use of technologiesDecisions and communication channels used during routine vs. emergency operationsBarriers and needs to successful communication with staffCurrent understanding of the continuity of operations planInformation about a recent regional snow storm as critical incident.



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