Publication Findings
Full-scale regional exercises: Closing the gaps in disaster preparedness.

Our findings demonstrate that tabletop exercises are inadequate to expose operational and logistic gaps in disaster response

Geotagging Twitter Messages in Crisis Management.

In addition, data resources such as Flickr, Facebook and Youtube as the feeder for OzCrisisTracker 2.0 will also take into account and the OzCT geotagger is expected to geotag such complex multimedia messages with some further development in analysing multimedia messageswe believe that presented semantic annotation of tweets in this research that utilizes existing and new ontologies, can be used for conceptual analysis of tweets content and will resolve the ambiguity of tweet locations to significantly improve the geotagger performance

Group value and intention to use – A study of multi-agency disaster management information systems for public safety

the studied subjects were real disaster management personnel on duty, which limited the time to survey and interview them after the exerciselarge number of stakeholders usually involved in multi-agency disaster management environments makes it extremely difficult to reach a consensus on the measure

Health worker and policy-maker perspectives on use of intramuscular artesunate for pre-referral and definitive treatment of severe malaria at health posts in Ethiopia.

Translation from local languages to Amharic and then to English may have affected interpretation of the results to some extent.The results of this study may not be generalizable but may be transferable to similar setting

High Fidelity Simulation to Evaluate Emergency Management in Urgent Care Centers.

A limitation of this exercise is that although objective criteria for performance were developed and implemented for the simulation, the objectives were not formally evaluated by the participants.Sarpy, Warren, Kaplan, Bradley, andHowe (2005) recommend that participants’ learning be evaluated 3–6months following a simulation exercis

How Simple Hypothetical-Choice Experiments Can Be Utilized to Learn Humans’ Navigational Escape Decisions in Emergencies.

The validity of the models needs to be further scrutinized in larger venues than what was used for the experimentations.The role of the time pressure and urgency level that might cause high levels of fear and stress in extreme emergency scenarios had to be downplayed in this work

Identifying and explicating knowledge on method transfer: a sectoral system of innovation approach.

Heuristic evaluation is an inspection method, requiring experts in interactive technologies and usability.

Improving Communication in Crisis Management by Evaluating the Relevance of Messages.

the TAID tool needs connections to responders that allow it to monitor their communicationThe overall effect on crisis management depends on how relevance assessment is used in the work and communication processes and the extent to which in practice it improves availability of information.

Increasing emergency medicine residents' confidence in disaster management: use of an emergency department simulator and an expedited curriculum.

class attendance was erratic, and no inventory of participant attendance was performedanswers to these question frequently were wrong in the post-testsince there are no validated instruments to assess knowledge of Disaster Medicine, it may be that the test simply is not valid for assessing knowledge

Influencing Factors on Social Media Adoption in County-level Emergency Management Departments.

As emergency management departments continue to adopt and use social media, it will become increasingly important for both practitioners and academics to better understand this complex, ever-evolving communication tool.



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