Publication Findings
Expanding the use of simulation in open vascular surgical training

Missing detailsvideotape footage and validated ratingscales; Electromagnetic motion sensors; Leakage rate; etc

Flood Emergency Management Using Hydrodynamic Modelling

flood routing simulation based on 2D hydrodynamic model, and flood losses assessment based on GIS cell; model data

Forming a global monitoring mechanism and a spatiotemporal performance model for geospatial services.

This model is tested to support GIService selection in global spatial data infrastructures (SDIs)To collect globally distributed performance information, we designed a new monitoring mechanism by utilizing volunteer and cloud computingBy crawling GIService information from a number of popular SDIswe obtained 3188 (WMS), 328 (WFS) and 41 (WCS) addresses, which provide XML-based descriptions of web service interfacesMore than 80,000 spatial data set were retrieved from these OGC

Full-scale regional exercises: Closing the gaps in disaster preparedness.

Included the 16 area hospital. These included a single Level I trauma center (TC), two Level 3 TCs, and 281 moulaged volunteers. Nine hospitals presented with less than 200 beds (range, 52Y162), whereas six presented with more than 200 beds (range, 220Y795).

Geotagging Twitter Messages in Crisis Management.

he OzCT geotagger has been recently deployed in a system of the OzCrisisTracker application.The best method to evaluate the effectiveness of automated or semi-automated geotagging processes—such as identifying geo/non-geo references, specifying the geographic focus in the content and disambiguation of the results of the geo references—is to compare the results with manual human geotagging.

Giving meaning to tweets in emergency situations: a semantic approach for filtering and visualizing social data.

Case Studies: Hurricane Sandy (500.000 Tweets), Nepal Earthquake event (822 tweets)

Group value and intention to use – A study of multi-agency disaster management information systems for public safety

adopts a survey method to collect data from professional emergency responders participating in multi-agency disaster management exercisesIn parallel to the quantitative data collection also qualitative data were collected before, during, and after the surveyed cross border exercises.

Health worker and policy-maker perspectives on use of intramuscular artesunate for pre-referral and definitive treatment of severe malaria at health posts in Ethiopia.

In-depth interviews were held with 101 individuals including health workers, malaria focal persons, and Regional Health Bureaus from Oromia and southern nations, nationalities, and peoples’ region, as well as participants from the Federal Ministry of Health and development partners

High Fidelity Simulation to Evaluate Emergency Management in Urgent Care Centers.

Simulation and qualitative evaluation, verbal briefing as group activity and written reflection by each individual after each simulation.

How Simple Hypothetical-Choice Experiments Can Be Utilized to Learn Humans’ Navigational Escape Decisions in Emergencies.

Participants were sampled from exiting pedestrians (169 individuals)



eu Die Portfolio of Solutions Website wurde ursprünglich im Rahmen des DRIVER+ Projekts entwickelt. Heute wird das Service von der AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH. zum Nutzen des europäischen Krisenmanagements betrieben. PoS ist vom Disaster Competence Network Austria (DCNA) sowie von den H2020-Projekten STAMINA und TeamAware befürwortet und unterstützt.