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Discussing the evaluation before the exercise (INEGMA-E²)

  • to ensure the key indicators and planning are met
  • the challenge is how we are implementing exercise that have an effect on how the evaluation of the exercise will be
  • to narrow down the objective to SMART measuring points that can be evaluated
  • to support any logistical and organisational challenges
  • to improve impact of evaluation
  • often not taken seriously
  • to emphasise the learning
  • Evaluation starts with identifiying the objectives of the exercise.
  • to emphasise the fact that exercises are to improve and not to blame

Resursstyrning under långsiktiga krishanteringsinsatser (DRIVER+)

Brister vad beträffar resursstyrning (mänskliga resurser, maskinvara osv.) under långsiktiga krishanteringsinsatsermed flera berörda aktörer involverade.


Adequate Crisis Management legislation (STAMINA)

Provide a sound legal basis for various aspects of Crisis Management in all parts of the CM cycle.


Skogsbränder: brandbeteende (DRMKC)

Förståelse för det sätt på vilket en brand reagerar på variablerna bränsle, väder och topografi, inklusive variabler som spridningshastighet och intensitet, kan vara till hjälp för att såväl bekämpa redan antända bränder som till hjälp i syfte.



Tools to gather and analyze the gathered information (INEGMA-E²)

The evaluator has to gather a lot of information, later analyse it and produce (first impression) reports, which is a difficult task that could be made easier by using modern tools such as applications on a phone or a tablet.

Evaluation of Project Management During the Project Cycle of the Exercise (INEGMA-E²)

The evaluation of an EU-funded civil protection exercise is not limited to the evaluation of the exercise itself but regularly also to the entire project cycle. This includes the formative evaluation of the phases of exercise planning and exercise preparation in order to be able to identify fields of improvement already in an early phase of the project.

Possibility of access to the entire information exchange (INEGMA-E²)

For proper evaluation on has to understand what is going on and be able to follow the process (and changes of the processes) -> e.g. critical points in pathways (why is this and this – not – happening > because something was being brought into perspective)

Fully understanding of the evaluators role for the participants (INEGMA-E²)

Sometimes evaluators are perceived as a kind of an "enemy" (might be a strogn word), as they are looking on what participants are doing = stressfull, feeling of being controlled, being observed. It needs to be understood, that the role is not to judge/classify the participants, but to contribute to the improvement.

It is a lot about transparency! If it is clear: methodology to evaluate the teams. It cannot be assumed that every team understands the methodology. If there is a common way to evaluate exercises, it becomes more clear. A kind of standard-evaluation.

Considering evaluators in logistic preparation (AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH.)

The personal needs of exercise participants must be taken into consideration when planning the conduction of an exercise. But also the evaluators’ personal needs must not be overlooked.

Attendance of participants at post event review (INEGMA-E²)

Participants tend to lose interest in the exercise, after having completed it. Depending on the expectations about the post-event outcomes (it is about findings, explaining to the people, is it about particular/specific processes/findings).

Opinion of the participants about the exercise is an important part of the picture. It should be a composition of partial perspectives.

Evaluation of safety and security (AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH.)

When conducting an exercise, the safety and security of the participants and evaluators of an exercise has an impact on the organization of the exercise and hence on its validation.

Information for exercise preparation (AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH.)

In everyday life first responders have access to information about the they are going to encounter at the incident site in order to be able to prepare mentally but also select their equipment accordingly. In exercise evaluation providing this kind of information is imperative, too.

eu Portfolio of Solutions web site has been initially developed in the scope of DRIVER+ project. Today, the service is managed by AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH., for the benefit of the European Crisis Management. PoS is endorsed and supported by the Disaster Competence Network Austria (DCNA) as well as by the STAMINA and TeamAware H2020 projects.