Top ten knowledge DB entries related to Results are listed below.
Assessing the reliability and the expected performance of a network under disaster risk.

Reliability and performance of a network of realistic size can be estimated with high accuracy in moderate computation time with the proposed Monte Carlo simulation method

A reassessment and review of the Bam earthquake five years onward: what was done wrong?

A comprehensive disaster management plan must not belimited only to the relief phase, but rather must include preparedness,recovery with optimal legislation and budgeting,improvement of healthcare facilities, and provision of organizedcommunication channels between the different governmentaldepartments.

Parameter-Based Data Aggregation for Statistical Information Extraction in Wireless Sensor Networks.

We demonstrate that the proposed techniques not only greatly reduce the communication cost but also retain valuable statistical information that is otherwise lost in many existing dataaggregation approaches for sensor networks. Moreover, simulation results show that the proposed techniques are robust against link and node failures and perform consistently well in broad scenarios with various network configurations.The proposed scheme exploits an unbiased loss-tolerant multipath routing for data aggregation. It strives to extract the statistical information of the original data distribution but preserve the accuracy of estimation and avoid the loss of valuable statistical information.

Toward the regulation of ubiquitous mobile government: a case study on location-based emergency services in Australia.

Future mobile government applications will require a greater interplay between stakeholders, including telecommunications carriers and supporting value chain members and the general public who are the ultimate end users of such a system

A decision support system for debris-flow hazard mitigation in towns based on numerical simulation: a case study at Dongchuan, Yunnan Province.

It is necessary to set up the disaster-reduction auxiliary systemas an effective measure to avoid the heavy casualties caused by the debris flow with imperial scale.As the forecast function fails to work, the disaster warning will play a role and avoid the heavy casualties caused by the debris flow disaster

An emergency logistics response system for natural disasters.

The proposed model represents an easily implementable system to assist the emergency management agencies at city, state and federal levels to assess their specific capabilities in emergency preparedness and response related activities.The ERM represents a very valuable tool for each city office of emergency management to evaluate their unique response capabilities to natural disaster, as well as to perform sensitivity analysis on alternative solutions that could be implemented to improve their performance

Developing shared situational awareness for emergency management.

The information requirements of actors can be identified by specifying the critical information needs. This supports the formation of SA and clarifies the information sharing processes. The critical information can later be used in the development of the COP of the CCRRS.Results can be used in the systematic development of SSA in SAR operations. Based on the results of this study we suggest that these methods have the potential for the further testing and development.

Dynamic decision support for managing regional resources: Mapping risk in Allegheny County, Pennsylvania.

By providing a trusted knowledge base of regional risks and resources, the prototype system can support emergency managers in developing an integrated perspective on shared regional risks and in collectively exploring, assessing, and improving the efficaciousness of coordinated inter-organizational and inter-jurisdictional resource allocation strategies in virtual emergency response and readiness scenarios.

Emergency crowd evacuation modeling and simulation framework with cellular discrete event systems.

This project addresses the existing literature on human behavior to establish a setof movements and behaviors that could then be translated into models and simulations using the Cell-DEVS formalism.The CD++ toolkit provided a suite of tools allowing for the translation of Cell-DEVS models into source code that could then be compiled, simulated, and visualized in order to help build an intuitive understanding of the mechanics that govern evacuation and egress during an emergency situation

Supporting collaborative sense-making in emergency management through geo-visualization.

The contribution of the work reported in this paper lies in the design research on a new collaborative system for teams doing complex geo-spatial planning tasks. Our design of a multi-view, role-based system has the potential to improve and extend collaborative tasks in emergency management.



eu Serwis internetowy Portfolio of Solutions został początkowo opracowany w ramach projektu DRIVER+. Obecnie serwis jest zarządzany przez AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH, na rzecz Europejskiego Zarządzania Kryzysowego. PoS jest popierany i wspierany przez Disaster Competence Network Austria (DCNA), jak również przez projekty STAMINA i TeamAware H2020.