Publication Findings
A nature-inspired decentralized trust model to reduce information unreliability in complex disaster relief operations

A decentralized trust model to enhance reliable information dissemination in large-scale disasters;  trust model based on a communication model, distributed recommendation scheme to allow the assessment of trustworthiness in diverse groups of first responders

A priority driven ABC approach to the emergency management of high energy pelvic trauma improves decision making in simulated patient scenarios.

Orthopaedic trainees were formally assessed by viva upon their pelvic trauma management 6 weeks after a pelvic trauma teaching event

A Procedural Construction Method for Interactive Map Symbols Used for Disasters and Emergency Response.

This article targets a solution by proposing a procedural construction method of interactive map symbols for dynamic disasters and emergency responsesFirst, an emergency response and decision symbol library was classified and integrated into the existing attachments to form a richer symbol library for comprehensively representing disasters and emergencies. Second, an interactive map symbol procedural construction method was designed based on (1) primitive geometric compositions and geometric graphics algorithms to construct the map symbol graphics; (2) an interactive graphics control and drawing attributes configuration method to support user interactive editing of the visual variables of the mapped symbols; (3) and a dynamic updating and drawing strategy to support the real-time refreshing of the changing visual variables.

A Review of Critical Infrastructure Interdependency Simulation and Modelling for the Caribbean.

Studiying computer simulation software for critical infrastructure interdependencies (CII)

A risk assessment tool for improving safety standards and emergency management in Italian onshore wind farms

Overall aim: to provide a simple and practical for improving proactive safety standards in onshore wind farms. Objective: to develop a systematic pattern that allows the employers and those responsible for the plant prevention to better manage an emergency event based on a risk assessment in an onshore wind farm during the operation stage.

A service oriented architecture for decision support systems in environmental crisis management

Objective: to implement an integrated information system for forest fire management.To synchronize current environmental management systems in terms of both architecture and services.To propose a flexible service oriented architecture for planning decision support in environmental crisis management, through a case study on forest fire crisis management.

A Simulation Tool for Examining the Effect of Communications on Disaster Response in the Oil and Gas Industry.

- development of a simulation - modeling of communication technologies- modeling call behavior of human

A Socio-Physical Approach to Systemic Risk Reduction in Emergency Response and Preparedness.

This paper proposes a socio-physical approach that considers jointly the interaction and integration of the social and physical views of a system to improve emergency response and preparedness University case study: analyzing the merit of the socio-physical view in relation to the social and physical views in isolation.Case: Incident in the steam plant at a university in southwestern Ontario, Canada, resulted in the closure of the university for half-a-day.

A survey of the practice of nurses' skills in Wenchuan earthquake disaster sites: implications for disaster training.

The aim of the survey was to explore the practice of nurses’ basic care skills when they were deployed as part of first responder teams to the disaster site; identify their needs; give information for disaster preparedness and response training.

A virtual reality based fire training simulator integrated with fire dynamics data

Simulation / development of VR This study first designed a fire simulator system that can perform fire training using virtual realityObjective:  Training for general public, firefighters and firefighting commanders to experience road tunnel fires and evaluate safety levels (with a virtual reality based fire training simulator). A vehicular accident occurring in Jukryeong Tunnel, the longest road tunnel in South Korea with a total length of 4.6 km, was selected for simulation



eu De Portfolio of Solutions website  is oorspronkelijk in het kader van het DRIVER+-project ontwikkeld worden. Vandaag wordt de dienst door AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH, ten behoeve van de Europese crisisbeheersing beheerd . PoS is door het Disaster Competence Network Austria (DCNA) en door de H2020 projecten STAMINA en TeamAware gesteund.