Publication Findings
A risk assessment tool for improving safety standards and emergency management in Italian onshore wind farms

Risk values are obtained for each indicator. This was achieved asking the experts to assign a specific risk factor defined “k” factor according to the risk level established (low-medium-high).Each indicator and each factor have been weighted individually and together in complex to determine how much each of them has the potential to make the difference in the emergencies management.The tool was tested and used to classify the risk level for occupational safety in 56 Italian onshore wind farms.

A service oriented architecture for decision support systems in environmental crisis management

Two different types of data are supported: the archival and the real time data. The archival data stored in spatial and distributed databases, while the real time data comes from sensors. Both data are encoding using the OGC specifications and particularly the Geography Markup Language (GML).Regarding processing, storage and communication aspects, time, space and quality filtering methods are required to be considered in an environmental crisis management architecture. Time filtering can be implemented using algorithms that remove the temporal data redundancy (through, for example, data dropping mechanisms), while spatial filtering aims at reducing the spatial one (e.g., spatial data down-sampling). Quality filtering automatically re-quantizes the geospatial content to reduce the transmitted information. All these types of filtering are framed with context awareness mechanisms, which proportionally activates one or all of the above three filtering tools according to the type of disaster and environmental conditions.Presentation of data: Apart from a web based user interface, the future environmental information management systems will incorporate (i) 3D rendering and presentation methods (ii) geospatial presentation and (iii) context aware adaptive visualization tools. 3D presentation and real time rendering allows for a better visualization of the natural disaster and therefore yields a more efficient environmental management. Geospatial presentation includes tools for depicted media overlays of geographic enhancements. Finally, context adaptive methods increase the system efficiency, since it permits a differentiated presentation according to either the capabilities of the terminal devices (e.g., PC or PDA) or the requirements of the application .

A Simulation Tool for Examining the Effect of Communications on Disaster Response in the Oil and Gas Industry.

mathematical analysis

A Socio-Physical Approach to Systemic Risk Reduction in Emergency Response and Preparedness.

Clustering analysis  -- as a means of analyzing the interconnections and dependencias within a system Python NetworkX package was used to capture the networks, facilitating graphical presentation and mathematical computation

A survey of the practice of nurses' skills in Wenchuan earthquake disaster sites: implications for disaster training.

Descriptive statistics were calculated using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences Version 13 (SPSS) and Microsoft Excel.

A virtual reality based fire training simulator integrated with fire dynamics data

SimulationData conversion techniques and a real-time processing framework to develop a fire training simulator on the basis of a precise CFD simulation that is capable of calculating various invisible physical quantities such as toxic gases and heat as well as visible factors such as smoke and flame.

Agent-oriented modeling and development of a system for crisis management.

observation of certain overloading metrics and a careful design of the MAS

An emergency logistics response system for natural disasters.

Simulation and sensitivity analysis

An optimization approach for ambulance location and the districting of the response segments on highways

Multiple dispatch hypercube model developedSimulation with Arena (of case study 1)

Applying Analytical Hierarchy Process to Supplier Selection and Evaluation in the Hospitality Industry: A Multiobjective Approach

Based on the survey results the initial factor lists were refined, and a final set of hierarchical factors was selected via Expert Choice 2000( Duncan’s multiple-range test and Cronbach’s alpha.



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