Publication Findings
Simulation-assisted burn disaster planning.

The differences in the results between the two simulations were small but detectable and the reproducibility of the simulation was satisfactory. Further experimental simulations are needed with defined interventions to ascertain outcome and examine whether preventable deaths and complications can be reduced. Measurable performance indicators through the ETS, as used in the present study, are obtainable and can depict a more effective management response. The experience from the present simulations using a simulation system that combines both process and outcome indicators can create important results that may serve to support disaster planning. Future studies are needed to further explore how national coordination of air transportation can be optimized for a mass casualty incident in Sweden.

Situation awareness and virtual globes: Applications for disaster management

Future work includes a formal comparison between virtual globe and non-virtual globe (such as a 2D map) environments of the implicit information visualization approach presented in this paper to establish strengths and weakness of both types of approaches. Such a comparison was not possible for the research presented in this paper due to time constraints posed by the limited availability of the UN evaluators whose feedback was deemed critical for evaluating the virtual globe aspects of the approach.A disadvantage of RSS is that a feed’s contents may not be representative of the entirety of a web site’s contents, thus providing only a partial view of available content. In the following section, a case study of disaster situations in the Sudan is presented to illustrate the CDA.

Space-enabled information environment for crisis management. Scenario-based analysis and evaluation in an operational environment

The key to success lays in understanding operational needs; integration into common information environment; and standardisation of information exchange.

State Mandate Influences on FEMA-Approved Hazard-Mitigation Plans Under the Disaster Management Act of 2000.

Not all parts of the comparison can be generalized

Striving to be resilient: What concepts, approaches and practices should be incorporated in resilience management guidelines?

Results are generalizable because a broad group of experts were included (different domains and different fields)Limitation – only two cycles were conductedDue to the generic and abstract nature of some of the concepts, approaches and practices we suggest that future work should involve additional concretization of the concepts and practices as input to the further development of resilience management guidelines.

Study of efficiency of USAR operations with assistive technologies.

The key improvement would be the extension of bidirectional communication between Emergency Operation Center and on-site emergency workforces. The simulation of extrication operations is difficult. A realistic training situation would endanger victim performer and represents a major time investment of 10 h in average.Ongoing developments about Pedestrian Dead Reckoning and SLAM will allow robust localization in all circumstances and enhance the capability to log operational progress in complex three-dimensional terrain.Conventional maps of operational progress are poor in content and functionality compared to GIS supported maps such as delivered by FRIEDAA. The benefits of non-verbal digital transmission of messages became evident through the first field test.Digital management of communication makes it possible to display delay between information in the field and reception in the emergency operation center.The WLAN communication infrastructure was lacking of coverage within and behind buildings during the first field test. The lack of coverage caused delays. However, this can be remedied with other digital radio communication technology such as GSM or TETRA.The SEEBA stressed the importance of portability of the assistive technologies. The bio-radar was particularly promising in this regard. It proved to be a valuable tool for detection of victims in rubble that are unable to alert rescuers.The search probe allowed a hitherto unreachable penetration depth. The navigation pane with two artificial horizons are important for the rescuers to orientate themselves within the rubble pile. A good coordination between the emergency workforce pushing the hose and the one controlling its stiffness and the navigation from the head joints is required.

Supporting collaborative sense-making in emergency management through geo-visualization.

First, our systems focus on one specific geo-collaboration task.our visualization tools are still limited

Supporting community emergency management planning through a geocollaboration software architecture.

Geocollaboration tools can be developed that support community-wide emergency management planning and preparedness.

Supporting synthesis in geovisualization.

Supporting synthesis will require flexible tools that allow for diverse approaches and creativity.

Task force deployment for big events

Although, besides the relocation problem, all these problems are theoretically hard to optimize, computational studies revealed that instances of practical relevance can be solved optimally in short time using standard software.



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