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Multi-purpose 3-D Real Estate: Understanding the Role of 3-D Technology for Enhancing Resilience | Three-dimensional technology is highly appropriate in preparing for large-scale mass events.provides counter-terrorist teams functionalityThree-dimensional geospatial models enable planners and developers to test potential preparedness and response interventions, and improve the effectiveness and efficiency of reconstruction and recovery efforts.This research provides strong evidence of the role that 3-D geospatial technology can have in enhancing the efficiency and effectiveness of decision making in the real estate environment, as well as demonstrating that with limited costs, such technology can be developed and integrated into the real estate development and management process. |
Multievent Crisis Management Using Noncooperative Multistep Games. | The Nash equilibrium optimization algorithm has been implemented for allocation because it provides a fair allocation for each player and for the systemitself. |
Multiobjective Model for Emergency Resources Allocation. | The multi-emergency rescue dynamic allocation model that is proposed herewith considers the dynamic nature that the casualties of trapped victims change over time. The model for the allocation of rescue resources maximizes the overall emergency rescue effectiveness of rescue proposal of the allocated and the unallocated resources at each stage during the planning period, and allows for the cost of allocation resources. Considering the purchasing cost, inventory cost, and opportunity loss cost during the cost objectives construction, the proposed method combines ideal point method and unit cost utility method to solve the allocation model by utilizing the LINGO software. Numerical examples to test the model and its algorithm are given in detail in the paper. |
NATO'S NEW STRATEGIC CONCEPT: A CRITICAL VIEW. | Strengths:1. The capacities, organization (High Commands) and military experience that make NATO the most effective organization that has existed in the last half century; 2. A good part of that efficacy is due to the participation of three of the major military powers in the world which, besides, benefit from a combination of conventional and nuclear means; 3. That has given NATO not only an incredible and effective dissuasive ability, but also a proven capacity of power projection at regional and world levels.Weaknesses1. The military hegemony historically held by the United States, which has hindered the development of military capacities of European allies and their political will to assume the roles imposed by regional and world defence, at a time when Washington increasingly shifts its strategic priorities towards the Pacific, not towards the Euro- Atlantic region; 2. The insufficient institutional development of the Alliance's political structure in relation to its military structure, which has continuously incapacitated NATO to take on and adapt to the new world strategic and diplomatic situations; 3. The increasing discrepancy of geo-strategic interests among the allies which, together with the system of decision by consensus, is creating an internal political blockade which will become even more complex with the adherence of new members, such as the Ukraine or Georgia. |
Obstetric simulation as a risk control strategy: course design and evaluation | A simulation-based team-training course for multidisciplinary L&D clinicians was developed and now is a central component of a risk management loss prevention program.Formal training in communication and teamwork for L&D clinicians seems to be a plausible strategy for preventing or mitigating adverse perinatal events. |
Optimal Path Selection under Emergency Based on the Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation Method. | This article proposed algorithm based on fuzzy comprehensive evaluation algorithm, combining hierarchy analysis method (AHP), make the calculated conclusion more reliability and accuracy. By simulation show that the proposed algorithm based on AHP-fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method has higher accuracy compared with the general algorithm, it is more accord with people's demand for path under emergency conditions.Experiments show that the AHP-fuzzy comprehensive evaluation algorithm is more accord with people demand for path emergency conditions. |
Parameter-Based Data Aggregation for Statistical Information Extraction in Wireless Sensor Networks. | We demonstrate that the proposed techniques not only greatly reduce the communication cost but also retain valuable statistical information that is otherwise lost in many existing dataaggregation approaches for sensor networks. Moreover, simulation results show that the proposed techniques are robust against link and node failures and perform consistently well in broad scenarios with various network configurations.The proposed scheme exploits an unbiased loss-tolerant multipath routing for data aggregation. It strives to extract the statistical information of the original data distribution but preserve the accuracy of estimation and avoid the loss of valuable statistical information. |
Physical and mental health status of soldiers responding to the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake. | Non-professional rescue workers who are not appropriately prepared for the role may suffer more than their professional counterparts. Attention needs to be paid to the health and safety of non-professional rescue workers, which has been ignored in most disaster management plans. |
Preparing for Emergency Situations. | We have identified that Team Syntegrity could be useful in the steps User Integration, Designing the netAgora environment, developing Test Scenarios, and assessment of netAgora environment. |
Prepositioning of supplies in preparation for a hurricane under potential destruction of prepositioned supplies | The outcome is an integer programming model that yields the location and level of storage for prepositioned supplies.Significant improvements in the total relief cost may be reached by means of prepositioning strategies. |
El sitio web Portfolio of Solutions se desarrolló inicialmente en el marco del proyecto DRIVER+. En la actualidad, el servicio está gestionado por el AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH, en beneficio de la gestión europea de . El PoS está avalado y apoyado por la Disaster Competence Network Austria (DCNA), así como por los proyectos STAMINA y TeamAware H2020. |