Publication Findings
Interactive plant simulation modeling for developing an operator training system in a natural gas pressure-regulating station.

The model could be applied to a more complex process such as a petrochemical plant in the future, and higher effectiveness of training is expected as the operating procedure becomes more complex

Interprofessional non-technical skills for surgeons in disaster response: A qualitative study of the Australian perspective.

the sample size of this work was limited to 20 participants, restricting the ability to apply the findings to other settings.views of non-medical disaster personnel were not part of the participant group

Interprofessional team dynamics and information flow management in emergency departments.

Choice of the mini team as the unit of analysis. While preserving the participants’ perspective, this led to neglecting aspects of the broader organizational context (e.g. laboratory teams, other specialists), which might affect workflow and patient safety.Another limitation was that we did not collect data regarding the relationship between strategies used by nurses to monitor and support information flow and patient safety. It would be interesting to study in depth how the observed distribution of cognitive work improves a team’s ability to recover errors before they affect the patients.

Investing in Disaster Management Capabilities versus Pre-positioning Inventory: A New Approach to Disaster Preparedness

Several practitioners mentioned that custom clearance lead times of up to four weeks when no previous relationships were established with customs.Respondents also mentioned that once DMC have been develeoped, customs clearance lead time are usually between 1 and 5 days.

Jordanian nurses’ perceptions of their preparedness for disaster management.

More research needs to be done to validate these results as accurate reflections of perceived preparedness or if they reflect unawareness, lack of training, or misconceptions.

Knowledge, Experiences and Training Needs of Health Professionals about Disaster Preparedness and Response in Southwest Ethiopia: a cross sectional study.

Recall bias might have been introduced as the respondents were asked about events that occurred in the past.although private practitioners are important stakeholders during major disaster situations, they were excluded from the study

Leaders as emotional managers : Emotion management in response organisations during a hostage taking in a Swedish prison.

The study relies on self-reported data onlyA little more than one year elapsed between the hostage drama and the interviewsSmall sample

Learning crisis resource management: Practicing versus an observational role in simulation training – a randomized controlled Trial.

Research question itself prevented from assessing the pre-test performance of the observer group.The sample size was calculated based on a large effect size.

Managing the inconceivable: participatory assessments of impacts and responses to extreme climate change

Designs could be adopted in future climate impact and adaptation studies to explore the implications and identify the responses and their implementation in both gradually evolving impacts as well as extreme climate change.

Modeling and simulation method of the emergency response systems based on OODA

‘In the future work, it is necessary to adopt the emergency response mechanism based on OODA loop to develop a set of software systems so as to command and control the emergency disaster response more valid and more powerful.’ (p. 539) (?)



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