Top ten knowledge DB entries related to Methodological Lessons Learned are listed below.
Leaders as emotional managers : Emotion management in response organisations during a hostage taking in a Swedish prison.

The study relies on self-reported data onlyA little more than one year elapsed between the hostage drama and the interviewsSmall sample

Barriers to implementing infection prevention and control guidelines during crises: Experiences of health care professionals.

Because the reported barriers might be different from those observed during outbreaks, they should be regarded as a proxy for reality.

Multievent Crisis Management Using Noncooperative Multistep Games.

Many constraints for the algorithm to workWorks in specific context only

How Simple Hypothetical-Choice Experiments Can Be Utilized to Learn Humans’ Navigational Escape Decisions in Emergencies.

The validity of the models needs to be further scrutinized in larger venues than what was used for the experimentations.The role of the time pressure and urgency level that might cause high levels of fear and stress in extreme emergency scenarios had to be downplayed in this work

Learning crisis resource management: Practicing versus an observational role in simulation training – a randomized controlled Trial.

Research question itself prevented from assessing the pre-test performance of the observer group.The sample size was calculated based on a large effect size.

Culpable leaders, trust, emotional exhaustion, and identification during a crisis.

A limitation of our study is that it is cross-sectional in nature and we were not able to study the effects of followers’ judgments of responsibility on trust, emotional exhaustion, and organizational identification over time.

Jordanian nurses’ perceptions of their preparedness for disaster management.

More research needs to be done to validate these results as accurate reflections of perceived preparedness or if they reflect unawareness, lack of , or misconceptions.

Psychological Effects of Disaster Relief Activities on Japan Ground Self-Defense Force Personnel Following the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake.

It is difficult to predict long-term outcomes from a cross-sectionaldesign. Further, our study sample was limited to one convenient troop and does not represent the entire JGSDF or all disaster workers.

Detection of undesirable communication patterns in multi-agent systems

There is a lack of a large set of case studies to determine which metrics and contexts are useful when testing the communication designs of MASThe metrics have only been applied to post-mortem analysis, even if monitoring could be made during runtime.

An expert system for an emergency response management in Networked Safe Service Systems

The case study is relatively simple and was not able to show all interesting scenarios.The planning and scheduling is relatively simple though it serves as a gateway to illustrate the methodology.The work deals with the process and behavior without including the organization of a Networked Safe Service System.The human factor issue has not been discussed, though the model, has laid a good foundation for considering the issue (as considered by the authors).



eu De Portfolio of Solutions website  is oorspronkelijk in het kader van het DRIVER+-project ontwikkeld worden. Vandaag wordt de dienst door AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH, ten behoeve van de Europese crisisbeheersing beheerd . PoS is door het Disaster Competence Network Austria (DCNA) en door de H2020 projecten STAMINA en TeamAware gesteund.