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Logo TeamAware


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The main objective of the TeamAware Project is to develop an integrated and cost-efficient situational awareness system for first responders from different sectors with heterogeneous and hardly interoperable sensor units including drone mounted, wearable, and external sensor systems. Thus, TeamAware enhances crisis management, flexibility and reaction capability of first responders from different sectors through real-time, fused, refined, and manageable information by using highly-standardised augmented reality and mobile human machine interfaces.


  • Real-time localisation and real-time monitoring of first responder team members
  • Detection of surrounding threats and risks
  • Fusion of information from several types of sources
  • Presentation of fused information via user-friendly displays


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TeamAware has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and programme under grant agreement No 101019808.





eu Die Portfolio of Solutions Website wurde ursprünglich im Rahmen des DRIVER+ Projekts entwickelt. Heute wird das Service von der AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH. zum Nutzen des europäischen Krisenmanagements betrieben. PoS ist vom Disaster Competence Network Austria (DCNA) sowie von den H2020-Projekten STAMINA und TeamAware befürwortet und unterstützt.